About the Journal
UOUsj is an international scientific journal published by UNIVERSITY of Universities. It was born in 2021 as an international collaboration of schools of architecture, sharing their intercultural interests.
Every issue concentrates on a specific theme suggested by one of the universities involved in this research project. Themes encourage a focus on pedagogy in architecture and are announced through a call made at least six months in advance of publication.
The journal is biannual (June and December), double-blind peer reviewed, digital, open access, and indexed. It publishes original articles in English, accompanied by abstracts in the authors' mother tongues.
Current Issue

Miguel Luengo Angulo / Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
Radical Architecture belongs to a fleeting but energetic period that was essentially deployed in Europe between the years 1960 and 1975 with the purpose of thinking about the architectural discipline from its origin (hence its essential, fundamental nature), displacing the understanding of the craft from the architect's routine as a builder towards the expanded territory of reflection on the world and the architect's competence to interpret it and act in it.
Radical Futures aims to achieve a contemporary understanding of this critical mindset, extend the limits of radical architecture and urbanism, and embrace the emergence of new practices supported by unconventional approaches from design, urbanism and technology.