Author Guidelines

UOUsj publishes scientific articles. Before submitting an article, please make sure that your text complies with the Author Guidelines (also below). Manuscripts that do not conform with the UOU guidelines, will be returned for resubmission before being considered for peer-reviewing.

Any instance of plagiarism, be it in the form of lack of attribution of ideas or literal usage of text without correct mention of sources, will be grounds for instant rejection at any stage of the publication process, when such plagiarism is detected.

Publication in this journal does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).


Login or Register to make a submission.

Articles should be written in standard English, with an abstract written both in English and in the mother tongue language. Only original work will be considered for publication, i.e. outcomes of research conducted by the author/s which have not yet been published anywhere else and are not currently under review by any other journal.

UOU Journal accepts manuscripts in different submission types: Critical Essays and Scientific Articles are primarily text based, while Students’ Project and Artistic Works are image-based:

●  Critical Essays should be grounded in relevant discourse, offer an original and critical contribution of a theoretical or a more empirical nature as a response to a research question or proposition and can be supported by appropriate visual apparatus. (Length 2,000 - 4,000 words including notes, captions, references and abstract, excluding the abstract written in the mother tongue language different from English) (Max length for notes and references 800 words)(Max length for Abastract 250 words).

●  Articles should include a consistent focus, clear definition of the research framework, and give a deep understanding of the subject or topic described, including findings, reflections and conclusions. (Length 4,000 - 8,000 words including notes, captions, references and abstract, excluding the abstract written in the mother tongue language different from English) (Max length for notes and references 1.000 words)(Max length for Abastract 250 words).

●  Students’ Projects and Artistic Works should include images, schemes and/or diagrams through an argumentative and not illustrative nature. (Images should be submitted in a A4 PDF format in high resolution (300 dpi) and accompanied by a text as an introductory abstract written both in English and in the mother tongue language(of total max.500 words, excluding the abstract written in the mother tongue language different from English).

Before submitting a manuscript, authors should make sure that the following requirements have been made:

  • Manuscripts have not been published before or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts have been fully anonymized: remove full name and affiliation; remove references to funding sources; do not include acknowledgements; remove your name from file name; and make sure that document properties have also been anonymized.
  • The manuscripts are written in English.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted online in Microsoft Word Format (.docx). In case of proposals using symbols (e.g., phonetic transcriptions), you are kindly requested to add a PDF version.
  • All the personal information regarding authorship should be provided when registering to make a submission: title of the manuscript; authorship (author and co-authors); institutional affiliation, full institutional address, including ORCID identifier and e-mail address.


TEMPLATE. The article will be written in Arial 12, with simple line spacing and indented.

Bold or italic can be used.

Capitals words will be avoided in both the titles and the text.


Full-length Critical Essays (2,000 – 4,000 words in length including title, abstract, keywords, and references).

The texts must be sent in Open Office or Word format and will not exceed an extension of 4,500 words including notes and bibliography.

Full-length Articles (4,000 - 8,000 words in length including title, abstract, keywords, and references).

The texts must be sent in Open Office or Word format and will not exceed an extension of 8,000 words including notes and bibliography.

Full-lenght Students’ Projects and Artistic Works (image/scheme and/or diagram based). Images should be submitted in a A4 PDF format in high resolution (300 dpi) and accompanied by a text of max.500 words as an introductory abstract written both in English and in the mother tongue language).

The first page, where the authors must adjust the extension of their data, summary and abstract will be one single DIN A4.

The document must be sent in pdf format, in addition to .doc or .docx format.


Only articles in English will be accepted, an abstract both in English and in the mother tongue language of the author should be included.


The margins to be used are: 3 cm upper, 3 cm lower, 3 cm left and 3 cm right.

Complete justification.

Paragraph titles.

Paragraph titles should be aligned to the left, without indentation and with decimal numeration.

Title Level 1.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pancetta strip steak kielbasa tail frankfurter kevin. Drumstick jowl andouille biltong pork boudin. Ribeye pig short loin, jowl pastrami shankle doner prosciutto kevin pork loin tenderloin boudin tongue. Tri-tip meatloaf shoulder drumstick pig capicola. Turducken bacon kevin, shank tail beef ribs rump ham jowl short loin t-bone venison salami pancetta pastrami. Capicola pork chop pig bresaola pork loin sausage beef ribs ham hock hamburger shank. Sausage cow t-bone beef ribs swine. Tenderloin leberkas pig, pork loin meatball kielbasa fatback.

Title Level 2.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pancetta strip steak kielbasa tail frankfurter kevin. Drumstick jowl andouille biltong pork boudin. Ribeye pig short loin, jowl pastrami shankle doner prosciutto kevin pork loin tenderloin boudin tongue. Tri-tip meatloaf shoulder drumstick pig capicola. Turducken bacon kevin, shank tail beef ribs rump ham jowl short loin t-bone venison salami pancetta pastrami. Capicola pork chop pig bresaola pork loin sausage beef ribs ham hock hamburger shank. Sausage cow t-bone beef ribs swine. Tenderloin leberkas pig, pork loin meatball kielbasa fatback.


They will be included as footnotes. Written in Arial 8, single line spacing, without indentation and numbered starting at 1. In the body of the text, superscripts[1] will be used to reference the notes.

Graphics, tables and images.

They must be included in the text (no more than 10) with a maximum width of 15 cm. In case of not completing the paragraph width, centre it.

Each graphic, table or image must be numbered below as Fig. X (Arial, size 9) and referenced within the text as (Fig. 1).

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any figures used in their articles.


Authors should use only hyphens, which will be of different sizes if there are several levels.

- First level of enumeration.

- Second level of enumeration.


It will be included at the end of the article, written in Arial, size 10, with simple line spacing and without indentation. The references will appear in alphabetical order at the end of the article. For all references format will be used the international standard ISO 690.


All the references mentioned throughout the text must be added to the section ‘Works Cited’.

Specific pages should be used for all the quotation.

Surname of the first author should be written in small caps.

Leave page number in full for both in text-citations and for pages in the works cited (e.g., Nilsson 2000, 115-126). Do not use abbreviated forms, as in 115-26.

Do not use Latin reference tags (op. cit., ibidem, etc.).

Use initialisms to indicate that some information is not available:

  • (n.p.) for ‘no publisher’, ‘no place of publication’ or ‘no page’.
  • (n.d.) for ‘no date’.

The names of publishers or publishing company names will be as much abbreviated as possible: avoid using ‘Co.’ or ‘Inc.’ and descriptive words (Publishing, etc.). The words ‘university’ and ‘press’ will be abbreviated in any of the corresponding forms: U of Chicago P or Oxford UP.

The full names of authors will be provided.

If any of the author-date cases of citation are not listed here, please check the guide of help for the norm ISO 690 (PDF) by the Library of Alicante University.

  • Book with one author

SURNAME(S), Name. Title of the book (in italics). Edition (if it is not the first edition). City: Publisher, Publication date. ISBN number (if available)

ORTEA VARELA, Enrique. Técnicas de fabricación mecánica. Langreo: Ediciones EO, 2014. ISBN 978-84-943-0311-1

In-text citation (Ortea Varela, 2104)

  • Book with up to three authors

SURNAME(S), Name, Name SURNAME, Name SURNAME. Title of the book (in italics). Edition (if it is not the first edition). City: Publisher, Publication date. ISBN number (if available)

MERIAM, James L., L. G. KRAIGE. Mecánica para ingenieros: Dinámica. 3rd edition. Barcelona: Reverté, 2014. ISBN 978-84-291-4409-3

In-text citation (Meriam, Kraige, 2014)

  • Book with more than three authors

SURNAME(S), Name and others. Title of the book (in italics). Edition (if it is not the first edition). City: Publisher, Publication date. ISBN number (if available)

BEER, Ferdinand P. and others. Mecánica vectorial para ingenieros: Estática. 10th edition. Mexico: McGraw Hill, 2013. ISBN 978-607-15-0925-3

In-text citation (Beer and others, 2013)

  • Book chapter

SURNAME(S), Name. Title of the chapter. In: SURNAME(S), Name. Title (in italics). Edition (if it is not the first edition). City: Publisher, Date of publication, inclusive page numbers. Identifier (ISBN number if available)

CORNEJO VEGA, F.J. Estampación. In: ARENILLAS TORREJÓN, J.A. (coord.). Manual de documentación del Patrimonio Mueble. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, 2014, pp. 162-179

In-text citation (Cornejo Vega, 2014)

  • Journal article

SURNAME(S), Name. Title of the article. In: Title of the journal (in italics). Edition. City: Publisher, Date of publication, Vol., num., inclusive page numbers. Standardised identifier (ISSN, DOI etc., if available)

LÓPEZ JIMÉNEZ, A. El arte en la calle. In: Reis: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 1998, issue 84, pp. 173-194. ISSN 0210-5233

In-text citation (López Jiménez, 1998)

COSTA, C. Lina Bo Bardi y el suburbio. In: Ecología. ARQ. 2019, 103, pp. 90-103.