UOU scientific journal | Call #03 REPRESENTATION



 2022January 18th: OPEN CALL at 18:00 (CET) at the ZOOM link: https://mef-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95916352632?pwd=SUwxbXZYaVRMZ1hFeHVqYzk5ZkJDdz09
March 01st: FULL PAPER Submission DEADLINE
April 01st: notification of PEER REVIEW Evaluation May 01st: Final Submission DEADLINE

editor in chief: ozan avci


REPRESENTATION is a wide umbrella that covers different disciplines such as design, arts, architecture, cinema, literature, politics, economics, semiotics, etc... We may even say that representation is in every act of human beings whenever they think about something. This fundamental role of representation makes it very critical in the design process, thus the whole design process is based on the dialogue between the inner and outer representations. In this third issue of UOU Scientific Journal we would like to focus on the nature of representation, its own ontological aspects, materiality, immateriality and its crucial role in the design process rather than its metaphorical side related with politics and semiotics.

click here for download the complete CALL

Authors are invited to submit papers for Issue #3 on REPRESENTATION in the UOU scientific journal published by the University of Alicante (Spain). UOU sj is the scientific peer-reviewed journal of UNIVERSITY of Universities and investigates the sharing of intercultural interests explored in international schools of architecture in close connection with the arts. Every issue underlines a specific topic addressed by one of the universities involved in the Research Project. Therefore, we encourage contributions related to the result of pedagogical experiences and also contributions that have emerged from other research in and around the topic of Representation in the disciplines of architecture, art, urbanism and associated areas of study.


You are invited to join to the launch of issue #3 with the Editorial team on 18th of January, 2022 at 18:00 (CET) at the ZOOM link:


Click here for your submission