Commons. An ATLAS of possibilities
Abstract contribution includes a reflection on reactivation of abandoned places and focusing primarily on a new understanding of the role of architects in a future society, dealing more and more with participatory design tools and with the reuse of existing buildings and interpreting the notion of social and environmental sustainability. A window was opened towards the future where the imaginary landscapes developed by our students - and by the students who have answered the call - with unexpected results of reflections shared in this short Workshop lead by Marie Kraft and myself and accompanied by our UOU colleagues. In this section, the projects of the students are to be considered as a test bed for our work and reflections as researchers, practitioners and educators. An ATLAS of possibilities, both here and now.
This Section includes the constribution of the students:
Anastasia Milonas; Andreea Diana Roman, Anna Van Amersfoort; Ario Racho; Cecilia Elisabeth Eleanora Gustafsson; Enric Alonso, María Ponce; Larisa Daniela Gabor; Laura Adina Stupariu, Alina Ioana Constantin; Marta Selles; Raluca Ioana Negoescu, Iulia Ciungan;Thomas Bromley; Vendela Serrreli.
And of:
María Ponce The Celebration of Places and Instants of moments
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How to Cite
Nobile, M. L., & Kraft, M. (2021). Commons. An ATLAS of possibilities. UOU Scientific Journal, (01). Retrieved from
ATLAS / Students Projects
Copyright (c) 2021 M.L.Nobile, M.Kraft, A.Milonas; A. D. Roman, A. Van Amersfoort; A. Racho; C.E.E.Gustafsson; E.Alonso, M.Ponce; L.D.Gabor; L.A.Stupariu, A.I.Constantin; M.Selles; R.I.Negoescu, I.Ciungan; T.Bromley; V.Serrreli; M.Ponce
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