Rangers: Houses Battling with the COVID19 Pandemic



This research is my account of imagining our houses as Rangers, speculating on them through their spatial, perceptual and timely transformations due to the Covid19 lockdown regulations. They are from Istanbul where the lockdown regulations came out to be dramatic, political and extravagant. I discuss the notion of home as such that enacts like a folly in the conditions of the Covid19 pandemic. Imagining their stories in the form of architectural drawing, I aim to unfold their folly-ness as I believe drawing is the realm of another kind of architecture where the performative existence of its characters is prominent. Rangers define critical, situated positions of the uncanny in the home as we face the pandemic, which is a creative response of observing and recording; a spatial making of another kind.   


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How to Cite

Almac, B. (2021). Rangers: Houses Battling with the COVID19 Pandemic. UOU Scientific Journal, (02). Retrieved from https://revistes.ua.es/uou/article/view/20896


