No. 02 (2021): FOLLIES

Sofia Aleixo, Evora University, Portugal
Sullivan’s definition of Follies has been drastically challenged by the Covid-19 pandemic as the purpose of building may not simply be to respond to a functional need, but rather to be attractive and recover a sense of fun and pleasure that has been taken away for more than a year. How can spaces reengage people with each other, and with cities? How to attract people to give the spaces meanings and transform previous sad and empty spaces into lively and safe places? Are merely functional spaces needed, or are socio-cultural public places needed more? Will building design need to be rethought with no specific purpose or intention in mind? Will urban and architecture policies attain to these needs? Within this framework, Follies, the second Issue of the UOU scientific Journal, aims to redefine the notion of socio-cultural values of the public realm in relation to material and innovative practices from impartial perspectives.