Homeland Miniatures


  • Ozan Avci Universidad de Alicante, Turkey


In architectural education, one of the most common and universal representation techniques is ‘central perspective’ which was discovered during Renaissance period. The rational world that The Renaissance offered us helps to create a universal language in the field of architecture and enables to represent our thoughts on space so as to create a dialogue between ourselves and others. On the other hand, some other techniques like iconography or miniature drawing reflect another understanding of the world and space per se that could be a new way of representation in our era.

This ATLAS includes the work produced during the Workshop “Homeland Miniatures: A Collective Digital Travel book” held during the first semester of the UOU class in 2022. 

Students contributions: Anja Bakullari and Pelin Yardımcı, Dorna Farrahi and Beyzanur Meriç, Eslem İnce, İpek Erişen and Joschi Kron, İlir Gökhan and Elora Perez, Mohammad Gerami and Asiye Nurztürk, Nilay Aslan and Niklas Klinck, Thomas Piacenza and Zümra Ocak.


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How to Cite

Avci, O. (2022). Homeland Miniatures. UOU Scientific Journal, 1(03). Retrieved from https://revistes.ua.es/uou/article/view/23024



ATLAS / Students projects