VIRTUAL PHENOMENOLOGY: A Critical Essay about the Relationship between Virtual Environments and the Senses



Keywords: Immersive, Virtual, Phenomenology, Senses, Gustatory.

This article focuses on the content, process, and outcome of the design brief titled virtual phenomenology under the professional elective course DDFT 473 – Virtual Environments. The emphasis of the course tackled the relationship between the virtual realm and the senses using virtual reality HMD and controllers as tools allowing students the possibilities to create virtual spaces inside virtual reality. Students spent more than 50 hours inside the virtual void trying to correlate and ignite specific senses in relation to each created virtual space. Despite the tremendous researches related to immersive education, this article attempts to showcase the process and outcome within the framework of VR Sketch application and how the usage of VR technology affect and empower the creation of virtual spaces through the senses rather than focusing on a traditional 2D iterative method of creating architectural spaces.   


The Center for Research, Innovation, and Design (CRID) - American University in Dubai


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How to Cite

Kachaamy, G. (2022). VIRTUAL PHENOMENOLOGY: A Critical Essay about the Relationship between Virtual Environments and the Senses. UOU Scientific Journal, (04). Retrieved from



Critical Essays